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        尊龙凯时·(中国)人生就是搏!自建所以来,始终重视国际合作与交流,先后与美国、日本、韩国、香港、 以色列等20多个国家和地区的海水利用科研机构、协会及企业建立了长期友好的合作关系;多次组织海水利用工程实地考察、选派技术人员出 国培训、接待国外专家及同行来所访问交流。通过学术访问、参观考察、项目合作、人才培养等多种形式的国际合作,研究所整体科研水平明 显提高,影响力显著增强,在国际海水利用学界的地位明显提高。    

since its foundation, isdmu has been paying high attention on international cooperation and exchanges.now we have been establishing long term friendly cooperation with the seawater utilization institutions,associations, and corporations in over 20 countries and regions including usa, japan, korea, israel, and hong kong. we visit seawater utilization sites, send technicians as trainee abroad and receive foreign visitors from time to time. our researching capacity, influence and standing in the international seawater utilization community are significantly enhanced thorough multiple forms of international cooperation such as academic visit, site visit, project cooperation, and personnel training.

  • 新加坡南洋理工大学王蓉教授来所交流
    professor wang rong from nanyang technological university of singapore visited isdmu

  • 阮国岭所长参加全球水务峰会并主持圆桌讨论
    dr ruan guoling attended the global water summit and chaired the roundtable discussion

  • 阮国岭所长参加国际标准化组织isotc8第42次全会
    dr ruan guoling attended the 42nd conference of iso/tc8

  • 我所与海水淡化所与沙特国际电力与水务公司签署谅解备忘录hedrc
    isdmu signed the mou with awca

  • 沙特盐水转化公司研发总监一行来所交流访问
    r & d director of swcc visited isdmu

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    dr ruan guoling as a keynote speaker in ida r&d committee

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    dr ruan guoling as the parallel chairman of ida congress

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    dr ruan guoling attended the iso meeting in singapore

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    delegation visit middle east desalination research center(medrc)

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    delegation visit the secretariat of indian ocean rim association for regional cooperation (ior-arc)

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    qur institute undertakes the seminar of seawater desalination and multipurpose utilization for arab country in 2013

  • 访问香港水务署
    visiting the water suppliesdepartment in hong kong

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    visiting the new water plant in singapore

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    visiting the singspring desalination plant in singapore

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    visiting the trapani seawater desalination plant in italy

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    visiting the ide company in israel

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    conducting a research at doosan seawater

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    国际脱盐协会前任主席leon awerbuch应邀来我所考察访问
    mr.leon awerbuch, the past chairman of ida, visits our institution

  • 2012年“发展中国家海洋可持续发展 高级研讨班(副部级)”莅所调研访问
    all members in ocean sustainable development senior seminars (vice-ministerial) visit our institution in 2012

  • 吉布提驻华大使阿卜杜拉•米吉勒访问我所
    mr. abdallah abdillahi miguil, the ambassador of djibouti embassy, visits our institute

  • 访问阿联酋富查伊拉海水淡化厂
    visiting the fujairah seawater desalination plant in uae

  • 考察以色列阿什凯隆海水淡化工厂
    visiting the ashqelon seawater desalination plant in israel

  • 考察日本造水促进中心
    visiting the water re-use promotion center in japan

  • 访问日本东丽公司
    visiting the toray company in japan

  • 日本学者来所考察
    receiving the visit of japanese scholars

  • 海水直接利用考察团访问美国大西洋 城电力公司b.l.england电站
    the researching team of seawater direct utilization visits the b.l.england power station in altantic city,usa

  • 访问泰国曼谷
    visiting bangkok, thailand

  • 日本通产县四国工业技术研究所专家来访
    receiving the visit of experts from the shikoku national industrial research institute in japan

  • 考察团访问las palmas海水淡化厂
    visiting the las palmas seawater desalination plant

  • 参见意大利trapane海水淡化厂
    visiting the trapani seawater desalination plant in italy

  • 日本东丽公司来访
    receiving visit from toray company in japan

  • 韩国斗山公司来访
    receiving visit from doosan company in korea
